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© 2025 Groups.io

Direct link: https://groups.io/groups

This page displays a list of the groups (and subgroups, if applicable) you belong to and any badges associated with your group membership status, your email delivery preference, and the group’s status (locked or unlocked). 

Columns on the page show the email delivery method you set in each group, the number of members in each group, and the time or date of the latest message in each group. You can click or tap a column heading to sort the list by that column. (On a mobile device, use landscape orientation to see the columns.)

Note: Group owners and moderators also see an Approvals Needed column.

Blue text indicates a link you can click or tap to go to (based on the column) a group’s Topics page, your Subscription page for that group, or the member list for that group (if you are an owner or moderator, or if the group’s owner has made the member list available to all group members).

Tip: You can use the Actions button at the bottom of the Your Groups page to change your email delivery option for a group (or more than one group) directly from this page, instead of going to your Subscription page for each group:

Note: On a mobile device, use landscape orientation to see the checkboxes and the Actions button.

  1. Select the checkbox (or checkboxes) next to the desired group (or groups).
  2. Scroll down and click or tap the Actions button.
  3. From the dropdown menu, select the option you want to apply to the group (or groups):
    • Unsubscribe
    • No Email
    • Individual Messages
    • Plain Digest
    • Full Digest
    • Summary
    • Special Notices Only

Updated: March 10, 2025