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Desktop browser: On a home page (not an individual group’s home page), click Hashtags and select the option for the topics you want to see.

Mobile device: On a home page (not an individual group’s home page), tap the More icon at the bottom, then, on the More menu, select the option for the hashtags you want to see.

The options are:

  • Muted (desktop) or Muted Tags (mobile)Displays the Muted Hashtags page (direct link:, which lists any hashtags that you have chosen to mute in any of the groups you belong to.
    You can mute a new hashtag from this page by clicking or tapping the Mute A New Hashtag link at the upper right of the page.
    You can unmute a hashtag from this page by selecting the checkbox to the left of the hashtag and then clicking or tapping the Remove button. You can select multiple hashtags and unmute them all at once.
  • Followed (desktop) or Followed Tags (mobile): Displays the Followed Hashtags page (direct link:, which lists all the hashtags that you have chosen to follow in any of the groups you belong to.
    You can follow a new hashtag from this page by clicking or tapping the Follow A New Hashtag link at the upper right of the page.
    You can stop following (“unfollow”) a hashtag from this page by selecting the checkbox to the left of the hashtag and then clicking or tapping the Delete button. You can select multiple hashtags and stop following them all at once.

Tip: By default, displays 20 items per page. You can increase the number of items displayed per page in the display preferences for your account. See Setting the number of items to show on group web pages.