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To change your email address:

  1. Log in to your Groups.io account if you are not already logged in.
  2. Display your account settings and select Login (if that page is not displayed already).
  3. In the Login panel at the top of the page, in the New Email field, enter your new email address.
  4. Click or tap the Change Email button.
  5. In the Verify Email Change popup that appears:
    • ! Important: Carefully review the new email address, which is displayed in bold, and ensure that it is correct.
      (If it contains a typo or other error, click or tap Cancel to return to the Login page, then reenter the new address and click or tap Change Email again.)
    • If you are certain that the new email address is correct, click or tap Yes. Groups.io sends a confirmation email to the new address.
  6. When you receive the confirmation email from Groups.io at the new address, reply to that email to confirm the change.


  • This change applies to all groups you are subscribed to at the original email address.
    Tip: If you want to change the email address for only one group, you will need to create a new Groups.io account with the new address, then subscribe to the group from that address. You will also need to unsubscribe your old address from that group so that you receive its messages only at your new email address.
  • If the new email address is already registered with Groups.io, a page appears that explains the account merge process and prompts you to verify that you want to merge your Groups.io accounts.

Updated: March 10, 2025