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© 2025 provides the ability for group owners and moderators to split a topic into two separate topics. For example, if replies have gotten off track from the subject of the original topic, you might want to move those replies into a separate topic of their own (or merge them into a more appropriate existing topic).

Note: You cannot split the first message displayed on a page. If you are sorting messages by newest first (Date column), that view prevents you from splitting the most recent message. Click or tap the Date column header to sort the view again and move the message to the bottom of the page, where you can then split it.

To split a topic:

  1. On the group’s website, view the messages in Topics view. See Viewing topics and messages on group websites.
    Tip: You can use the Search button to search for topics. Then, in the search results, click or tap the Tools button and select the Collapse Topics checkbox. The list now shows the topics and the number of messages in each one.
  2. Navigate to the topic that you want to split, and expand it to display the messages in that topic.
  3. Go to the message in that topic that you want to use as the start of the new (split) topic. The messages that follow it will be included in the split topic.
  4. In that message, click or tap the More icon at the lower right.
  5. On the menu, select Split.

    Image of the Split option on the menu

  6. In the Split Topic popup that appears, enter a subject line for the new topic, then click or tap the Split Topic button. That message is moved into a new topic, along with any messages that were posted after it.
    Note: The new topic will have the same properties as the topic it was split off from.

Tip: If the topics are still active, consider putting them on moderation so you (or other moderators) can edit the subject lines of incoming messages before they are posted to the archive, to ensure that the messages end up in the correct topic. You can also consider locking the topics if you do not want members posting more messages to them.