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Restriction: This feature is available only in Premium groups, Enterprise groups, and legacy Free groups.

Group members can edit their own photos; group owners and moderators can edit any members’ photos. The edits members can make to a photo are limited to changing the name or description, rotating it right or left, and making it the album’s cover photo (if you also created that album). Only group owners and moderators can change the owners of photos.

To edit a photo:

  1. Display the photo you want to edit.
  2. At the bottom of the photo’s page, click or tap the Edit button.
  3. On the Edit Photo page, make your desired changes.
  4. Click or tap the Update button at the bottom of the page.
  5. In the Verify Update popup:
    • If you want to send a system-generated email notification about the updated photo to group members, select the Notify Members checkbox. The email notification will contain a link to the photo and will have the #photo-notice system hashtag.
    • Click or tap Yes to save the updated photo (and send an email to members if you selected the Notify Members checkbox).