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© 2025

Restriction: This feature is available only in Premium groups, Enterprise groups, and legacy Free groups.

A group owner can choose whether to allow the members of the group to see the directory of members’ profiles. If a Directory entry appears in the left menu on the group’s website (desktop browser) or on the More menu (mobile device), the owner has allowed group members to see the directory. Click or tap the Directory entry to view the directory. 

On the Directory page, you can click or tap an individual member’s display name to view their individual profile.  


  • The directory of members’ profiles is different from the group’s member list.
  • The directory does not necessarily contain all group members. Only members who have chosen to make their profile visible can see other members who have opted to be included in the directory.
  • From the directory, you can send an email directly to another member by clicking or tapping the Message button in their entry. The limit is two emails per day to the same person, with a total limit of 10 emails per day per group.
  • If you think an individual member’s profile it is inappropriate for the group or violates the Terms of Service), you can report it to the group moderators or to Support using the Report This Profile button at the lower right on that member’s profile page.