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If you have two (or more) accounts, you can merge them into one account so you can access all your groups from one account. The merge will deactivate and delete all your accounts except the one you are merging the other account(s) into. 

Note: If you own any groups under an account you want to deactivate, your ownership will be moved to the account you are merging the other account into. That is, you will not lose ownership of groups you own under the account being deactivated.

To merge accounts:

  1. Log in to the account that you want to deactivate (that is, the account you want to merge into another account).
  2. Display the account settings for that account.
  3. In the New Email field, clear the address that is there, and enter the email address of the destination account (the one that you want to merge this account into).
  4. Click or tap the Change Email button. The Verify Email Change popup appears.
  5. In the popup, ensure that the email address of the destination account is correct, and click or tap Yes. displays a page that says: 

    “You have specified an email address, [destination address], that already has an account at If you wish to merge this account, [address to be deactivated], into that account, click the Merge Accounts button. An email will be sent to [destination address] with a link that, when clicked, will cause the accounts to be merged and this account to be deleted.”

  6. Click or tap the Merge button under that text. displays a notification that an email has been sent to the destination address you entered.
  7. In the email application for your destination email address, open the email from (the subject is “Confirm merging accounts”). Click the link in that email for merging the accounts. The link opens the Log In page.
  8. Log in to under your destination email address. displays the Merge Accounts page, which says:

    “Do you wish to merge the account associated with the email address [address to be deactivated] with your account? This will cause all subscriptions associated with [address to be deactivated] to be moved to your account and the [address to be deactivated] account will be deleted.”

  9. Click or tap the Merge button under that text. completes the merge process and displays your Feed home page with a green banner at the top that says “Your accounts have been merged.”