If you intend to use hashtags in your group, consider creating some before your group is fully active. You certainly can create hashtags later and then apply them to existing topics, but at this stage you might want to create any standard hashtags you plan to use in the group (for example, an #admin hashtag for topics that are related to group administration). For more information, see Hashtag uses and notes.

In addition, Groups.io creates specific system hashtags automatically the first time certain types of notices are sent or certain activities occur. For details, see System hashtags and associated notifications.

Tip: If you want to apply specific properties to any system hashtags (such as allowing only moderators to use them or setting them to No Email so messages tagged with those hashtags will not be emailed to members), you can create the hashtags yourself—before they are generated by the system—and apply the desired properties. Make sure the hashtags you create have the same names as the system-generated ones.


Now go to Step 9: Try the group’s features.