Restriction: This feature is available only in Premium groups, Enterprise groups, and legacy Free groups.

To create a poll:

  1. Desktop browser: On the group’s website, in the left menu, click New Poll.
    Mobile device: At the bottom of a group page, tap the More icon and then tap New Poll on the More menu.
    Note: If you do not see a New Poll entry on the menu, then the Polls feature is disabled for that group, members are not allowed to create polls, or the group is a Free group that was created after August 24, 2020.
  2. On the New Poll page, compose your poll:
    • Enter a concise but descriptive subject line that identifies the poll.
    • In the Question text editor box, enter your poll question.
    • In the Answers section, enter the answers or choices that you want other members to vote for. To include more than three answers, click or tap the Add Answer button. To remove an answer, click or tap the X button at the far right on the answer’s line.
    • Under Additional Options, select any of these other options that you want to apply to the poll:
  3. Click or tap the Post Poll button at the bottom of the New Poll page. sends an email message to group members that contains the poll questions and a link to vote. The subject line of the email notification contains the #poll-notice system hashtag.

Related help topic

  1. About the Polls feature