Restriction: This feature is available only in Enterprise groups.

  1. Decide which domain you want to use for the group.
    Tip: Consider using a subdomain for the group instead of a top-level domain because using a subdomain gives your organization more flexibility. See Setting up a custom subdomain.
  2. Delegate the DNS server settings for the domain to and You must complete this step with the company where your domain is registered. You can use either of these methods:
    • Contact your domain registrar’s support department for assistance.
    • Do it yourself by logging into your account at your domain registrar and replacing any existing DNS servers with and You might be able to find instructions on your domain registrar’s website.
  3. After the domain’s DNS server settings are changed, contact Support and provide:
    • The name of the Enterprise group
    • The domain name Support then takes the necessary steps to complete the domain setup.