Restriction: This feature is available only in Premium groups, Enterprise groups, and legacy Free groups. provides a Chats feature that group members can use to create and participate in interactive chats on a group’s website in real time. Be aware that:

  • Group owners determine whether the Chats feature is available in their groups and, if it is, who can create new chats: all members or only owners and moderators.
  • When someone creates a chat, sends an email notification to group members. After that, ongoing activity in the chat does not generate additional email notifications. Members must log in to to participate in and monitor chats.
  • All group members can participate in chats. does not provide a “private” chat option that allows chat creators to restrict chats to subsets of group members.
  • In some web browsers, the Chat page does not display activity in real time. To see new chat content, members might need to refresh the Chat page periodically.
  • The Chat page does not display any indication that someone is composing a response. Participants do not see that chat activity is occurring until someone actually posts their response.