Setting or changing your password

If you did not set a password when you created your account and later decide to set one, or if you want to change an existing password:

  1. Display your account settings and select Login (if that page is not displayed already).
  2. In the Login panel at the top of the page, in the New Password field, enter your new password. It must be at least 6 characters long.
  3. Click or tap Set Password (if you are setting a password for your account) orĀ Change Password (if you are changing an existing password).

Tip: The main advantage of setting a password for your account is so you do not have to deal with your login expiring in 30 days (see Logging in without setting a password).

Deleting your password

If you have a password and later decide you no longer want to use a password to log in to, you can delete your password:

  1. Display your account settings and select Login (if that page is not displayed already).
  2. In the Login panel at the top of the page, under the New Password field, click or tap Delete Password. deletes the password and displays a banner at the top of the page stating that your password has been deleted.

Note: It is not possible to delete your password if two-factor authentication (2FA) is enabled in your account.